Mr. Jagdish Manik Rao
पद : Principal Scientist
विशेषीकृत : Mechanical Equipment Design
सीएसआईआर में शामिल होने पर : 1/2/2010
सीएमईआरआई में शामिल होने पर : 1/2/2010
Research and Development Activities
Successfully Completed a DST Sponsored Project Entitled "Design and development of inter row rotary cultivator for wide row crops". As a Project Leader
Successfully Completed a DST Sponsored Project Entitled "Design and development of offset rotavator for an orchard" as a Project Leader.
Successfully Completed a DST Sponsored Project Entitled "Design and development of self-propelled chilli harvestor suitable for multi pickings” as a Project Leader.
Successfully Completed a DST Sponsored Project Entitled "Development of indigenous tractor mounted spading machine" as a Project leader.
Lead and successfully Completed CSIR MLP project entitled “Design and development of Retractable-roof poly house”.
Provided technical service to industries on design of farm machineries and Finite element analysis of equipment’s.
Technologies transferred
Inter row rotary cultivator
Retractable roof poly house
Contactless hand washer (Covid-19)”
Technologies developed
Inter row rotary cultivator
Offset Rotator for Orchards
Tractor operated spading machine
Retractable roof poly house”
Presently working on DST sponsored ongoing Project entitled “Automatic guided weeding tool based on plant geo-positions for Organic Farming Mechanization” as a project leader
Other non R&D Activities
Organised MSME sponsored Advanced Entrepreneurship Skill Development Programme (A-ESDP) on “Advanced CAD/CAE for Agri-Machinery Design’’
Under CSIR integrated skill development programme, Providing training to students on Design of farm machinery and FEM software
Administrative Responsibilities
In charge, Electrical Section, CoEFM Ludhiana
Complete dismantling of overhead power line and installation of underground power line at colony and office premises of CoEFM Ludhiana.
In charge, Guest house CoEFM Ludhiana
शैक्षिक कैरियर: M.Tech (IIT Delhi, Mechanical Equipment Design), Pursuing PhD (AcSIR)