आईपीआर स्थिति:
में सुरक्षित:
आवेदन / उपयोग करता है:
Efficient removal of arsenic contamination, As(III) and As(V) for producing arsenic-free water.
मुख्य तकनीकी सुविधाएँ होड़:
- Affordable, high-flow rate water filter
- Filterable water with maximum arsenic concentration of ~300 ppb
- Flow rate: 4000-5000 LPH
- Long-lasting media
- Adsorbents are non-toxic, low cost, and easily accessible in large quantities
- Regeneration of the media by the back-wash facility
Status of Commercialization:
Technology has been transferred to Indian Industry on non-exclusive basis
प्रमुख कच्चे माल का उपयोग किया जा करने के लिए:
Pebbles, manganese oxide, sand, copper modified rice husk/coconut husk char, anthracite and activated carbon: reusable media after back wash
प्रमुख उपकरणों:
Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) vessels, Plastic container, PVC pipes, pump, Flow meter, valve, dozing tank
Techno Economic:
Available on enquiry basis
स्तर / विभाग के कौशल:
Prototype development is completed and tested in laboratory